Forgiven Bulls

noticia toro andalucia traditionThe current Spanish bullfighting regulation  (see the Bullfighting Regulation), regulates bull clemency to achieve an improvement of herds, but also establishing objective criteria designed to ensure the correctness of the decision of the president of the bullfight, and involves to own rancher and businessman run.

Easy agreement between bullfighter, livestock and entrepreneur who will definitely benefit the three; orange scarf and lack of public of these places will surely make every effort once duly spurred by the matador. Those who have ever participated as amateurs in the request for a pardon us have that feeling of satisfaction once granted by the presidents, is more intense than when we grant ears. Looks like we twisted, favorably for the bull, the provisions initially to its destination.

We leave some memorable sites where the bullfighter bull pardoned and accepted as relevant ...


It is the first and only bull pardoned in the Plaza de Las Ventas in Madrid. The July 19, 1982 I had this remarkable fact, which Ortega Cano achieved in the Corrida Press Belador pardon of livestock Victorino Martin.



Jose Tomas obtained the pardon Idyllic, bull cattle Cuvillo Nunez in the Monumental de Barcelona on September 22, 2008.



In Alicante Bonfires fair, the June 22, 2009, Enrique Ponce Commander manages pardon bull livestock Juan Pedro Domecq.
Enrique Ponce stress that has the largest number of bulls pardoned history of bullfighting; 24 in Spain, 5 in Colombia, 2 in Ecuador, 2 in France, five in Venezuela and one in Mexico; for a total of 39 bulls pardoned.


See more bulls pardoned
